The Akashic Records came into my life as a complete surprise. During a meditation session, I received a clear and unexpected message: “read a book about the Akashic Records.” At the time, I had already developed my psychic skills and clairsenses and was giving psychic readings to clients. Even so, the Akashic Records felt like an entirely new dimension of understanding. Intrigued, I followed this guidance, not knowing it would lead me to a profound spiritual awakening. As I delved into the book, I felt an unmistakable connection to this vast and ancient source of wisdom.
The Akashic Records are not just for seasoned spiritual practitioners – they are available to anyone who feels drawn to explore them. In fact, knowing if you are meant to read your records is simple: you’ll feel the call. You’ll notice books, articles (like this one!), podcasts, and conversations about the Akashic Records appearing everywhere. They occupy your thoughts and keep showing up until you can’t ignore them. This is your sign to dive in and discover the wisdom waiting for you.
What Are the Akashic Records? The Akashic Records are often described as an energetic library or database that contains information about every soul’s journey. Imagine a sacred space that holds all the information about your soul from its inception. These records chronicle your many reincarnations, the times you have spent in the spirit world between lives, and the life plan you made before incarnating. This plan includes your life missions, the reasons you chose your parents, the karma you wish to balance, the lessons you want to learn, the fears you want to heal, and much more.
In short, the Akashic Records hold the keys to understanding your soul’s purpose, past lives, and the lessons you’re here to learn. They go beyond simply offering insight – they provide a roadmap for healing, growth, and alignment with your highest potential.
Far from being reserved for spiritual elites, the Akashic Records are available to everyone. With the right guidance and tools, you can connect to this realm and access the wisdom it offers. The process is not about gaining psychic powers but rather about deepening your connection to your true self and the universe.
5 Easy Ways to Access Your Akashic Records
You don’t need special abilities to access your Akashic Records. Everyone has the potential to connect to this sacred space. However, it does require practice, intention, and a willingness to trust your intuition. Here are five tips to help you unlock your Akashic Records and access your soul’s wisdom:
1. Set a Clear Intention
Connecting to the Akashic Records begins with a clear and focused intention. Before starting, decide what you want to know or explore. For instance, you might want to understand a recurring pattern in your life, discover your life mission, or gain clarity on a relationship. Your intention acts as a guiding light, helping you navigate the vast expanse of the Akashic Records.
2. Practice Meditation and Visualization Meditation is one of the most effective tools for accessing the Akashic Records. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and breathe deeply to calm your mind. Visualize yourself entering a sacred library or temple, and imagine opening a book that contains your life’s story. With practice, this visualization can become a powerful gateway to the Akashic Records. My Connection Meditation can further help you clear your mind and elevate your vibrations, creating the ideal energetic state to prepare for accessing the Records.
** Discover ways #3, 4 and 5 in the full article on Brainz Magazine **
Embrace Your Soul’s Wisdom
The Akashic Records are a profound tool for self-discovery and healing. They offer clarity, guidance, and a deeper understanding of your life’s journey. As you explore your Records, you may uncover hidden talents, heal past wounds, and gain valuable insights into your soul’s purpose.
To help you get started, I’ve created a FREE Akashic Records Guide designed to raise your vibrations and guide you through your first visit to the Records. When you’re ready to take your practice to the next level, check out my comprehensive Akashic Records Reading Course, which includes over 6 hours of content, 5 guided meditations, and step-by-step instructions.
Whether you’re curious about how the Records work or eager to deepen your connection, my resources and services—such as Akashic Readings, coaching sessions, and mentorship programs—are here to support you. Let’s unlock the incredible wisdom waiting for you in the Akashic Records and create a life rooted in authenticity, joy, and alignment with your highest self.
👉 Download my FREE Akashic Records Guide
👉 Sign up for my Akashic Records Course
👉 Book an Akashic Reading with me!

Meli Guidance is a certified advanced Akashic records practitioner, a past-life psychic and a channelling coach. She is also trained in oracle cards and tarot readings. Her specialty is helping people grow by reconnecting them with their soul’s purpose and life missions. She believes that by remembering our past lives and seeing what our life plan is for our current incarnation, we can achieve our future self’s highest potential. In addition to channelling spirit guides for people from all over the world in English and French, she offers online courses and coaching sessions to anyone who wishes to develop their ability to communicate with the invisible world.
Instagram @meliguidance YouTube @meliguidance